microblogging and the scientific method

It's officially been a week+ since I started the m...

Posted by Madeeha Ghori on September 20, 2020

It’s officially been a week+ since I started the microblogging experiment. Of course, unlike a good experiment, I had no hypotheses.

Latest feature updates

  • added the date the post was created to the jekyll header
  • cron job now runs every half-hour, even though I don’t blog enough for that to be truly useful
  • created a template so I can add additional tags, etc

Well, the latter is kinda done. I have a template but it’s not super easy to import each time. So I’m sticking to my current system for now. We’ll see how that changes.

Experience so far


  • Practicing writing and sharing
  • Microblogging takes a lot of the pressure off of longer writing
  • Less pressure paradoxically ends up meaning longer output sometimes


  • Everything I write is connected to my face. Maybe I’d rather go the anonymous route? Sometimes knowing that anyone out there can connect this to my personhood stops me from writing. It feels higher stakes than just “getting something down for the sake of the experiment”.
  • I don’t know that this is adding anything to my life atm. What value am I getting out of this?

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